BECOME Gyebi .N. Botwe Beloved in Christ, you know very well that God's grace saved us from the sinful nature we were born into. He bath and cloth us with His glory that we might also be partakers of his true nature which is incorruptible. Our Lord Jesus, who came to dwell among us always saw the needs of people. He was filled and moved with compassion at many points in his journey on earth. The way he humbled himself, spoke and loved people were one to savor. He never misjudged the Gentiles who weren't even part of God's chosen. He visited and ate with them despite the murmurs and complaints from the jews, especially the Pharisees who thought they knew God. Our Lord Jesus loved sinners and at the same time hated sin. He not only healed and performed glorious miracles but he became a miracle also! We read in the scriptures about how just some few words from his mouth would change h...